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any femdom in this game and character name, please?

or dominating personality female character name 

Kayla is the more dominate LI, and she will have more dominate options available as the game progress.


So..i feel dumb and i know you've got countless comments about this but am stuck in the escape hotel. How do i unlock the toilet? Ive tried everything

One key in the case Kayla has, The other is under the bed in a box, inside a dildo ;)


When can I expect a new update for this series. By the way, love the storyline.


I don't like to give estimates this early, because things happen and I suck at hitting deadlines lol. but im already about 20% of the way through day 4 and its only been a week.   so aiming for end of October, early/mid November.

First half of day 4 should be hitting subscribers between the 14th and 21st of October.


whats the code


lol 444269


why do people not like NTR in games?


Everyone has their preferences, I'm not one to judge, but I try my best to make a game that is enjoyable for almost any preference.

So yes, While NTR is part of the story laid out for this, I have no problems providing the options and a few rewrites to play without that. And as a person who has dealt with that IRL, I can understand some of the issue with it.


you're telling me u wanna watch ur lover get pounded by another man?


no, no one said that.


 different strokes for different folks


I'm not interested in ntr, so thank you for letting us know upfront.


Of course! The side story was a commission and when we decided to release it publicly we figured it needed a pretty big warning ;)

Main story will have a couple of minor NTR elements later down the road, but those can be turned off for people who aren't interested.


This one's pure gold. Can't wait for more!


Great vn so far loving it. My fav character is Alex.

is update 0.03.90 day 3 as minee still says day 2

Im seeing the same thing. In the about tab, it shows .03.90 but i dont have access to day 3

if playing on mobile (Just found this out honestly)

the menu image still says day 2, I honestly wasn't aware that image was still visible as it got replaced with an animated background in with the female update to day 2 that apparently did not transition to mobile

so that image was never replaced for day 3 because we didn't know it was visible. 

There is a small update coming middle of month to fix some things, grammer, some code, few route changes. and I will have that corrected in that.

im on pc is day 3 live now

yes, day 3 is live for all platforms.

Alex looks like Ellie and it is out-of-this-world cute.



Stuck in the escape room , can't figure out the code

Deleted post

Give me a hint, found 6*9+6+9= but keeps saying that is wrong answer



Deleted post

Can someone help me, my game keeps closing by itself in the scene in the kitchen, when the girls start fighting , i don't know what to do

(1 edit)

What are you playing on. ? The scene uses a series of images in quick succession as an animation, later we moved to just using webm but haven't updated older anims yet.

(2 edits)

Same thing with me. Playing on Android. I installed it yesterday and it keeps crashing for me in the same spot.  Right after breakfast when Alex is texting her friend. Which is a shame because I'm really loving this game

Thanks, i am in the process of updating all old animations from image series to webm that should solve this issue. Was originally hoping to have that done last week, but some day 4 things sucked up allot of time and previous day updates kept getting pushed back.

Awesome! Thank you for the response. I wanted to add a little more detail about the original comment. Keep up the good work I can't wait to dive back into this game again


I like the game a lot. Just want to mention, you keep using the word "since" when you mean "sense." 

(1 edit) (+3)

sense when? 

 lol ;) I know. grammar issues and grammarly was broke


Lawl. Well played, sir. Since I get the sense that you've been dealing with this since the game started, it makes sense that'd you'd know about it.



Do you plan to put this on Steam? I'd buy it. Plus a walkthrough.

Eventually, I just want to get further along in development, Once it hits steam I want at least a few hours of play time.

Will you make a walkthrough as DLC?

Well their has been several discussions around walkthroughs. I think what will happen is you will have the option to turn on a guided play. Which will highlight the options to get you to your chosen goal.


I very much support that idea.

Download for Android is coming up as a zip file and not an apk, tried renaming it but still didn't work. Anyone else have this issue?

Itch does seem to be providing zip instead of apk. Uploads to itch are handled by renpy itself, i am checking and ill update you shortly.

Reuploaded, itch is now giving an apk

Not sure why but itch zipd the apk, ill keep an eye out to see if it happens again.

Thank you!


just wanted to say, i think you made the right choice making the NTR a completely different download. it really is an extremely niche fetish, which most of us find abhorrent to the genre, and 'is avoidable" usually results in us stumbling across is accidentally or in replays etc, and it really can ruin the experience of a good storygame.
well done, excellent solution, and i'll update my review accordingly :) 

(6 edits)

I don't understand the note in the escape room. Maybe I'm slow.

I'm dumb. I can't figure it out. I wish there was better hints. Google helped.

There's definitely a few grammatical errors like "Unfortionately" Should be "unfortunately."

And "Their" instead of "there"

"Since" instead of "Sense"

"coulden't" should be "couldn't"

"woulden't" should be "wouldn't"

"Ourselfs" should be "Ourselves"

"meen" lol

yeah, I am aware of my grammar issues. I had actually been using grammerly but it got all janky and stopped working as I finalized last update. Ill be putting out a small update in a couple of weeks for some other things and that will be corrected as well.


In one of the scenes where Alex wakes up with MC, her eyes are not aligned. Like one is looking at MC while the other is looking up. 

I'm guessing that will be fixed too.

She's just a little drunk... :) lol nice catch, yeah ill have that fixed.

Android apk has a virus? I cant install

It's clean.

but not signed or approved for android marketplace.

(2 edits) (+1)

Aside from the obvious (we all know, otherwise we wouldn't be here), the soundtrack is also amazing and really fits with the quality and style of this work. 
Having trouble tracking down the tune at the end of 0.03.90 during someone's unfortunate discovery.
Machina...tune or artist?

Machina by Silencyde

I love Silencyde's work, Kinda sad he stopped doing music under the name, now he just does music under empires will fall.

Nice thanks. Excellent choice. Have to add that one to a playlist. I've listened to a few tracks and I have to agree. Kinda funny and random where we find these things lol

(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah, Most the music I have used so far in the game is Silencyde and Alexander Nakarada. Just discovered Infraction while working on day 3. (Alex Stairs)

Sweet. Well certainly keep up the good work. I'm sure this VN will gain quite a following.

(1 edit)

Although I must say I have a serious complaint...

You people are trying to kill me 🤣🤣

Quick question! Do you have a discord channel for people to join and follow?

I do, but unfortunately haven't been on much recently, I really need to get back on there.

Can't seem to get APK to load. Package not complete. . Anyone else have similar issues?


Can confirm it happened to me too

I think its due to filesize, android does have a 2gb limit, i guess this is what happens, rerunning some compression to make it smaller, then ill reupload.

Awesome man! Played the first 2 days, and its looking really good so far!

Confirmed, Compressed day 1 and 2 like i did on day 3, size is down to 1.3gb, confirmed working on my S10, Uploading now, Android uploads first so you should be good to download in 5 minutes.

thank you 


Feel like escape room should be made easier. Had i not found solution here i would have just dropped the game completely here for an adult game not a puzzle game. 


So how long should we wait first its 1 week then 2 the 24-48 hours but still nothing.

(1 edit) (+2)

I apologize, Personal life things keep coming up, Just finalized the last scene, finishing up a few things on female route and its done. Tomorrow (Thursday) for sure!

I also did add a character last minute too, She was originally part of the story, but wasn't happy with character design so we wrote her out. Tried one more time to make her and was actually happy with it this time, so we had to redo some renders and put her back in the story.


Thursday you say?

Deleted 2 years ago

Yeah. Not sure what happened, First power went out, then when power came back on the internet was out for a few days. Back on and uploading now.


oof. The update was real nice btw!


Man im kinda bummed i discovered this game. Im gonna have to wait so long for the real thing. This game is super well done. There are plenty that try to use arbitrary choices as some sort of requisite mechanic to bring themselves out of the category of visual novel and into the genre of a dating Sim or an rpg. This game, so far, does an incredible job of giving you several choices (or sometimes just a few) and then they come back later and get you. Product of good writing. I'm really looking forward for more. I'm not super hyped with the *spoiler alert* involved girlfriend open relationship but that's just not my kink. In no way does that make me less excited about all the updates coming in the future. Keep up the good work. Please. I've done a little writing so if you ever have a block and wanna toss around ideas I'd be happy to help.


This game is so potential! I even made an acc on itch for this comment 😆

I like the grafics, but the music is unbelievable! Keep what you're doing! 

When is more coming


On schedule for this weekend.

how can i pick up key baterie etc? i cant do this part of the level. or give me code


I really think you should always have the free version at least one or two updates behind the supporter version and keep it that way. This will help to incentivize people to support your game as well as give a meaningful bonus to your paid supporters while still offering free content. 

I got the code and oped the vib but i cant do anything with any of it just return?


is a new update coming soon?


soon, but cant give an exact date yet.



So like will this be free forever or not?


I would like to keep it free, and we will as long as we can maintain enough supporters.

is there a guide that can help me understand the game better

pretty sure an in game guild is being added but dont know when


It seems that I can't interact with the picture frames and other things aside from the 6-digit code. I kept clicking the vibrator,telephone and pictures,but It won't let me do anything aside clicking return.

Day 1 night scene for friend not being there, yet getting discussed by MC and GF on day 2 is kinda confusing

(1 edit)

Sorry to bother, but there's something I don't understand... 

So for we only have 2/30 of the game (since it's aiming for 30 days and the second day was recently released).

So how is it that we already have endings already implemented, as well as all these fetishes?

For example, I don't really understand how something like "Harem" or "Pregnancy" can be achieved in a single day (or the second one by now)!

By no means is this any form of criticism, just a plead of clarification...

My regards, Grixxis


These are all the planned story elements, the pregnancy was a voted thing that was never intended but highly wanted, but obviously not something that will be realozed fully in these 30 days, mostly reserved for the fallowup

So the game is like +30 days, with a sequel/extent already planned for some of the elements (that may trigger depending on the choices in game, that is)

So as I understood, the game is still very much on its first steps (and if 2 days equals 1 GB, then the full 30 days might equal 15 GB of space, I sure hope I'm wrong/exaggerating XD)


we are working on compression, talking with some people on f95 about compression without destroying quality, trying to find that balance. we already made a step by moving animations to webm.


what do you do after you unlocked the code it says why is toliet unlocked I keep clicking things it keeps sending me back to the room

Check the box under the bed, open the vibrator


How to get the code i hav been stuck in the same part for 3 days

i like the x-ray view, should keep that.

(3 edits) (+13)(-11)

For those having trouble with the code.....


867-5309 = -4442

6*9+6+9 = 69

code is 444269

DAMN its simple once you get it lol

Deleted 2 years ago

I wouldn't have got this if I didn't see this so thank you 

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